Blacksmith3d requirements
Blacksmith3d requirements

The best thing is to make note of stable builds and keep them on hand, so that you can fall back to them when problems arise. Sometimes it seems like the app wants to fight me tooth and nail to get any work done, and then there will be a period where things are working rather smoothly. Everything in between is in a Beta.It's easy to forget that sometimes. Andrew is always working to squash bugs and will double down on them prior to an official release (like 3.5 or 3.7).

blacksmith3d requirements blacksmith3d requirements


The downside to getting so many goodies and being able to have a good deal of input is that the software is usually in an Open Beta state and that in of itself invites varying degrees of frustration. ), and, once back in the studio of BlackSmith3D, the result is clean, virtually the same that on Photoshop, not just as 3D Coat where the result is blurred. This tool is perfect on BlackSmith3D because it allow the designer to work on every part of the complete model without load/save/load/save each part (for seams or creating highlight, shadows, etc. The projection texture from 3D Coat is 1920 x 1148 pixels. The projection texture from BlackSmith3D is 16240 x 9170 pixels (Any image was resized, i just copied/pasted the belly button's for avoid issue with the sizes of the image on the forum and remove nudity). Image 03 : It's the belly button taken from the projection of 3D Coat Image 02 : It's the belly button taken from the projection of BlackSmith3D with size set to 1000%

blacksmith3d requirements

Image 01 : It's the belly button taken from the original texture I projected my entire model from 3D Coat and BlackSmith3D, it's the same model, the same texture (I just copied the belly button from the results to avoid image size issues, without resize the three parts) If the forum accept it, i can provide two projection files, one from 3DCoat and another from BlackSmith3D to let you compare the definition of the projection, you will be surprised of the difference ! To time, it's the only function that i like into BlackSmith3D, i would really like see it into 3DCoat, because is hardly to switch permanently between the two softwares, only for that, with this function added into 3DCoat, i will work without lost my time to switch every time, and this function will add alot of potential to 3DCoat for people like me which work very much with the painting studio. Let me give another example: I work on a model, composed of three 2048x2048 textures (head, upper and lower), in projection edition, with BlackSmith3D (in 1000%) i can work on the real high definition "screenshot", with 3DCoat, i'm limited to the resolution of my screen, and, whatever I change, the result get blurred once back in the studio, not as BlackSmith3D, where i have no loss, zero. It's really possible, as i'm own of one licence for 3DCoat and one licence for BlackSmith3D, so I can easily compare the two software, 3DCoat is really the best, without any doubt, I purchased one licence of BlackSmith3D only for this function ! Yes, really !

Blacksmith3d requirements